Red Arrows on Salthill Promenade


From the heavens above…the Red Arrows swoop from the sky over Galway Bay during the airshow today (bigger version heregallery here).

Another scorching hot day in Galway…if we get another one tomorrow, we’ll start taking them for granted. This morning, thousands of people lined the Prom in glorious sunshine to watch the Red Arrows display followed by racing by the Volvo Ocean Race ships. The racing took place quite a distance out – Silver Strand, Gentian Hill or Barna would probably be closer, but the Red Arrows, as usual, was spectacular and right overhead.

Met Eireann warned of some showers in Galway today – thunderclouds did appear earlier, but as I write this, in late afternoon, the Bay is basking in hazy sunshine.

UPDATE – by 10.30 pm, it had begun to rain, even though it was still very warm.

NOTE: if you are wondering about the colours, they were enhanced in post-processing. The sky was very blue in the original, but the smoke trails were darkened in Lightroom afterwards. As you’ll see in the gallery, I processed some as either black & white or very contrasty. The reason was that the hazy sunshine reduced contrast [so some of the pictures were either sepia or monochrome to begin with]- also, when shooting into the sun, the colours were reduced anyway. I’m just going to tell people that I have decided to eschew verisimilitude.

2 thoughts

  1. Fantastic shot John, really one for the wall.

    I was hoping to get down there today, but a very busy week has taken its toll, maybe I’ll make a burst for it tomorrow….

  2. I’ve tried to view the gallery several times but each time it fails to progress from image 9. It’s the same whether I step through the images or play the slideshow.

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