Clouds on the horizon


On Sunday, it rained from dawn to midnight. Sometimes it was drizzle, mainly it was showers and sometimes it was a downpour. But all the time, it was rain. It has been raining for weeks now, and as the evening get shorter, the feeling that winter is fast approaching is hard to shake.

On the positive side, the poor weather has led to some dramatic skies over Galway Bay – I took this picture with my little compact camera (Canon G9) last week – huge rainclouds would pass over Galway Bay, dump huge amounts of rain, and cruise off eastwards. In the gaps between the clouds, patches of blue sky would appear, the evening sun would light up the place and we could all fool ourselves briefly that the worst was over [until the next cloud appeared on the horizon].

I’ve had a little tradition this summer – I treat myself to a nice coffee down on Salthill Promenade first thing on a Saturday and Sunday morning. Usually, I drink the coffee out at the slipway near the lifeguard hut, hoping to catch a glimpse of the dolphin and to breath in the sea air. Well, the dolphin hasn’t appeared for some weeks now, and it  looks like it took the summer too. I was determined to have my coffee yesterday morning too, so, dressed in rainproof gear from head to toe, I stood in my usual spot and sipped coffee while scrunching my eyes closed to avoid the driving rain and bitter wind.

A cup of coffee in the rain from John Smyth on Vimeo.

One thought

  1. John,
    Looks beautiful. What is the water temp? The picture makes me want to jump in. The coffee video makes me want to go home.

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