Sofie Theresa

The Sofie Theresa is a regular visitor to Galway – one of the ships that keeps the city supplied with fuel. It was quite frosty last night,and I was in the harbour taking a few snaps when I saw the harbour staff preparing for the tanker’s departure. So I set up my camera on a tripod beside the lock-gates to the harbour. The timelapse below was taken with a Canon 5D II and a Canon 24-105mm lens. The settings were f4 at 1/40th of a second, and ISO set to 3200. I took a picture every seven seconds, and then put the images togther as a video using Quicktime (if you view this site via Internet Explorer, the video is embedded below. Firefox doesn’t show it, so click on this link instead).

One thought

  1. Nice John, the video works well.

    WRT firefox, I read most (photo)blogs in google reader, just opening the original to comment if needs be, and the video shows and plays there and also in the popout window if I view it from igoogle all through firefox, I wonder why the direct route doesn’t work.

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