2010 – the odyssey continues

2009 was a busy year for me, and I had little time for photography during the year. It looks like 2010 is going to be even busier for me, so I’ll continue to try squeezing in the odd hour of taking pictures when I can. The purpose of the site remains the same – it is a diary of the things that I find interesting, where I live. The focus of the site has shifted a little from text-based entries to photographs which is why I changed the format of the site earlier this year – to emphasis the images. Alas, I lost my list of links [which included lots of great photographers] to other sites in the process – I plan to restore them in the new year.

Since I moved to Galway in early 2005, I’ve had a view of the sea – first, in the Docks and for the last two years, in Knocknacarra (I could see a small “V” shaped view of Galway Bay between houses from an upstairs back window of our home. More importantly, I was only a few miutes drive from both Silver Strand and the Prom). In the last two years, I’ve passed Salthill Promenade almost day, and it’s probably no surprise that I taken plenty of pictures there [in fact, my presentation at the Galway Camera Club for 2009 consisted only of pictures that I took at the Prom]. The Prom is a great treasure and I never tire of it.

Just before Xmas, I moved back into the city centre again. I don’t have a view of the water, but the great thing about the city is that everywhere is close to the sea. So maybe there will be lots of pictures of Eyre Squre in 2010 instead !

Finally, I’d like to thank everyone who stopped by the site over the last year. In particular, thanks a million to all my regular visitors – I appreciate your support. For all of you who took the time to leave a comment or send an email – thanks. I read every comment but sometimes I don’t get a chance to respond. [I usually spend an afternoon once every two or three weeks uploading and scheduling pictures for the site – the entries appear automatically so I don’t check the site every day]. Unfortunately, more than 99% of the comments and emails that I receive is either spam or unsolicited emails from various listing sites, so sometimes, a real comment gets thrown out with the junk.

Any year that one gets through unscathed has to be a good one – so here’s to living through another year – welcome to 2010!

One thought

  1. Hi John,
    Your website is great, I’ve been a fan for a few years. I’m out in Spiddal, so I keep an eye out for your odd Spiddal photo. We have a small farm – no really! – there are no big farms in Spiddal – and one of our fields is at the back of the pier. You took a great one of the moon above the gate in this field. I might get a copy from you someday! I went through a photgraphy phase and enjoy taking shots but I think I overdosed after a stint in Africa; I ended up using reels of film and afterwards felt like I was not living in the present moment enough, I became a bit obsessed with what the moment would look like in future! However I still like to snap, except now i mainly use my digital for a quicker fix! My wife has a good eye but has also lapsed in her practice, I have to begrudgingly admit that she is usually able to find more interesting angles and perspectives than me.
    Anyway, thanks for the great pics and I find the occasional written updates a very good mix.
    Have an inspiring 2010!

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