Number Eight

Bar No. 8 [Red groundfloor premises in centre of picture] in Galway Harbour.

About a month ago, I arrived home on a Friday evening and decided to go for a good long walk to stroll away the cares of the week. My other half and I walked from Eyre Square to the end of Salthill Promenade and back. Along the way, one has to pass a lot of restaurants and we were getting hungrier and hungrier as we walked past each restaurant and could smell the cooking food inside. By the time we were walking along the Dock Road, we could resist no longer. We decided to have a drink in Number 8 and then discovered that they now serve food too. And what food ! Their approach seems to be to serve what is local and what is in season, and all of it is good. I managed to nearly eat myself into a coma, and any benefits I might have gotten from the walk were quickly scoffed away.

2 thoughts

  1. Geez John…no fair…WHAT was on the menu…? Pricey? Looks like a nice place…tho iffen it had been me…I would have succumbed long before I got there…I find it hard to pass a chipper or a candy store….

  2. Angh – they have only begun serving food recently. By chance, I happened to be in Bar 8 the day this post was published. The service was even better than usual – they managed to rustle up something at short notice not on the menu for one of our number that had a very particular preference. It’s rapidly becoming one of my favourite spots in Galway

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