Salthill Ray

Salthill Ray

A Spotted Ray breaks the surface of the water in a tank in the Galway Atlantaquaria [National Aquarium of Ireland] in Salthill in Galway. It is a flat fish with eyes that protrude from the top surface of the fish, so that it can see above the water while swimming along – that is one of the ray’s eyes in the bottom left hand corner of the picture.

The Aquarium are running a month of activities during May which is why I was roaming Grattan beach near Salthill today looking for rubbish. There was a big turnout for the Beach Clean-Up and the one thing I learned today was just how many bits of fishing nets get washed ashore. The beach was full of it – most of it small scraps only a few inches long but there were longer pieces which can be lethal to marine life if they get tangled up in it.