Mountbellew Softboys

Mountbellew Softboys
This roadsign near Ahascragh provides an opportunity for a local to talk a little trash about the nearby town of Mountbellow – both in east Galway. Ahascragh has contributed to both sides of the political spectrum in Ireland as it is  the birthplace of Mary Harney, current Minister for Health and former leader of the Progressive Democrats (RIP) and  Eamon Gilmore, current leader of the Labour Party. It is also the birthplace of  Philip Treacy – hat-maker to the stars. As for Mountbellew, not so much.

3 thoughts

  1. Well, just to put the record straight, Eamon gilmore is actually from Castleblakeney and I guess Mary Harney only lived in Ahascragh for a short while until her family actually decided to move on to Dublin! Mountbellew is a good place to live, not claiming any famous policitians or anything, we have some of the best woodland scenery around these parts by far!! You should check this out John!

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