Race Week

Galway Races 2010

Statues of racehorses near the Spanish Arch earlier this week.

Race Week in Galway is in full swing. It has been a wet morning in Galway today so it remains to be seen what impact it will have on the crowds later this evening and tomorrow. It was Ladies Day yesterday and the helicopter shuttle from the racecourse to the Docks [and onwards to the Radisson Hotel nearby] was kept busy, but nothing like the frequency of a few years ago. I’ll post an update later today.

Update [July 31st]: When I strolled through Eyre Square at around 6pm on Thursday evening, it was quiet. By the time I returned, after dinner in Number 8, the square had been transformed into a sea of short skirts, fake tan and high heels [and that was just the lads]. If a freak shower had hit, the runoff from the tan alone would have rivalled the oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico. There was also a prodigious amount of drinking, particularly by youngsters, though to be fair to them, they did make an effort to dress up for the occasion. This short video of Eyre Square shows the crowds milling about – spare a thought for the poor Gardaí on duty in the Square to keep order and also to confiscate glasses or bottles – they were certainly get less than thanks from anyone who had a bottle taken [the rule was plastic containers only].