Misery on Mweelrea

Mweelrea in winter
The mountain range of Mweerea and Ben Bury is the highest in Connemara, and was one of my first hikes when I joined the Galway Walking club exactly 6 years ago. That time was also the only time I walked the entire length of the range, starting behind the Delphi adventure centre, first climbing Mweelrea, followed by Beny Bury and then on to Lugmore and down again. It was also the only time I climbed it when the sun shone for most of the time.

Last year, the weather was fairly severe once we got near the summit – this year, it was raining as we exited the bus beside Doo Lough. Most of us were drenched long before we got near Ben Bury. By the time we got back to the bus, we were about as miserable as we could be, and of course, the clouds began to clear over the mountains.

Here is a short video of the walk. The picture above is of Mweelrea last winter, with Doo Lough in the foreground. The image is  part of an exhibition in Galway called 6 Of The Best which is running at the moment.

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