Galway construction : Salthill apartments

Galway construction : Salthill Apartments
First thing most Saturday mornings, my wife and I head down to Salthill Promenade, buy take-out coffee in Coco and drink it either while walking along the beach or while standing on the slipway across from the Waterfront Hotel. That way, we get a much needed fix of both caffeine and the sea air at the same time.

The Garda Station in Salthill is very close to the Prom but is hidden behind the building adjacent to the Waterfront Hotel. For a brief period in 2008, the Gardaí in the station had a view of the sea – the station is the yellow building visible over the hoarding in the top picture in the sequence above. I don’t have a picture of the row of buildings before the old one was knocked, and I can’t remember what was there before.

As you can see in the sequence above, in the time it took to build the apartments, the arcade business (on the right) changed the paintwork on their facade, and on the left, Coco opened and the wine shop beside it closed. Today, it looks like all of the apartments have been bought and are lived in (at least at the weekend). I went for a look around them when they went on sale  in 2010 and while they are well enough appointed inside, the key feature is the amazing view of Galway Bay afforded by the ceiling to floor glass frontage.

Since the last picture was taken, it looks like all of the apartments are occupied – however, the commercial property on the ground floor is unoccupied [there was a convenience store there for a short while].

4 thoughts

  1. Cool!

    Thing that struck me most was that the sky was bluest in November – beating all the other summer and spring months.

    When I was growing up, November Rain actually meant something …. as did Seasons!

  2. Those installations on the right and left look like gigantic towel radiators! Innovative idea for a building on the water front ;-).

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