The wind that shakes the Baboró

Every year, there is an arts festival in Galway called Baboró, organised specifically for children. One of the treats this year was the prospect of wandering through a luminarium (essentially the bouncy castle that kids themselves would design if they were let), organised by the Architects of Air. The least popular job on Saturday morning was the poor member of staff who had to explain that, due to the high winds over the weekend, the luminarium couldn’t be opened to the public (it was open on Sunday). While a little kid ending up on an airborne adventure makes for a great Disney movie, it might not be so much fun in real life.When I was there, there was a number of little moppets throwing epic tantrums – they weren’t taking the news lightly.

Another temporary installation across the river is the Spiegeltent, pitched in nearby South Park, to host acts for the Galway Comedy Festival. Saw Tommy Tiernan there on Sunday night – and he was in fine form. The tent itself is rather beautiful, and well able to handle the best efforts of a gale sweeping in off the Atlantic. The comedy festival runs until next weekend.