A brush with Hurricane Katia

Salthill Splash

Yesterday was the warmest day of the year so far. That we had to wait until after the autumn equinox for such a day is all part of the fun of living in Ireland and expecting a summer to occur during, you know, the actual summer months. We were lucky to get it at all, I suppose.

A few weeks ago, the remnants of hurricane Katia hit the west coast of Ireland. Damage was minimal, and there was very little flooding in Galway. I went down to the promenade that weekend to take some pictures and some video. As usual, there were plenty of swimmers as well as people standing near the diving board unsuccessfully dodging the waves (as pictured above). I’ve witnessed and photographed worse storms down in Salthill, even though the wind was ferocious on the promenade during the early hours on Monday, 12th of October.I could hardly stand upright during some gusts but the gales died down as the morning progressed. Here is the video – put together over the weekend of the 10-12th. Apologies for the soundtrack – I didn’t have time to clean it up [it is essentially just background noise picked up by the camera.]

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