A Good Heart

A while back, I [along with other photographers] was asked by Croi if I’d like to submit some images for their Christmas Cards which they use to raise funds for their activities. Croi [which is the Gaelic word for heart] is the West of Ireland Cardiology Foundation. Their goal :-

Our Mission is to reduce the impact of cardiovascular disease on families living in the West of Ireland.
Our Aim is to play a leading role in ensuring that the people of the West of Ireland receive the highest attainable level of cardiovascular healthcare, based on the best international standards.

Well – the cards are out now, so if you know me, I’ve spoiled the surprise of what card I’m sending you for Xmas. The cards will be on sale around Galway, but it is also possible to buy and send an e-card online.  The link is here [mine are the second and fourth cards].

One thought

  1. The cards are just terrific John; I’ll share the Croi link with the new group at Multiply. Your photo of Galway brought a nostalgic tear. With all it’s faults it’s really a magical city.

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