Across the waves


Any time that I travel over to one of the Aran Islands, I get the ferry from Rossaveal. It is also possible to get a ferry from Doolin in Co. Clare [the other side of Galway Bay] and last week, when I was there, the ferry was loading.


There was quite a swell at sea that day, and it was low tide. I hadn’t realised it but the ferry can only dock when the tide is high.


At other times, passengers have to get into a launch, motor out to the ferry and board it a hundred metres or so , offshore.


The swell made it a lively experience, I’m sure, and unfortunately,while the rest of the passengers were waiting  for the launch to return, the mother of all summer downpours almost washed them off the jetty.


The ferry passing in front of the lighthouse on Inisheer.

Images of the ferry at sea taken witha Canon 40D and a 100-400mm Canon zoom from the shore at Doolin.

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