Best of luck tonight

This blog has been running on autopilot for the last couple of weeks due to time pressures. So I’m a bit late with my congratulations to the finalists in the Photo Blog category in the Irish Blog Awards, which take place tonight in Cork. They are :-

Gingerpixel (Claire was last year’s winner)

Glassey Alley (Ryan is the official photographer for the evening, so he’ll have to take a self-portrait if he wins)

Iced Coffee

Darren Greene 

Red Mum

Inphoto (Donncha’s day job is as a WordPress developer – the software that runs this site)


Update (22nd Feb) : Well done to Ryan – this year’s winner. It’s worth having a look at the longlist too as there are some excellent photoblogs there that didn’t make the cut [including my own favourite for this year – Kevin Murphy’s blog – (formerly]

And well done to Damien for all the effort – the Irish Blog Awards are a voluntary effort , and have become an annual success story largely due to Damien’s huge energy, enthusiasm and commitment.