Climbing Mount Brandon

Climbing Brandon mountain

A climber standing beside the cross marking the summit of Mount Brandon (height 952 meters) on the Dingle peninsula in co. Kerry. The picture was taken on the Saturday of the bank holiday weekend (last weekend) – the weather was glorious on the Saturday and hundreds of people were making the Brandon ascent. The weather on Sunday ? Not so much. the trip to Kerry last weekend will probably be my last venture out with a camera until Xmas, so you’re all probably going to see a lot of Brandon pictures over the next couple of weeks.

2 thoughts

  1. Well we didn’t see a lot of Brandon in this one! On my screen the image looks to be about 1″ high, so can only see a blue strip at the top and barely make out the cross & walker. Is that the way it’s meant to look?

  2. It must be very hard, having a professional photographer living in the same house as you. (He’s doing his best).

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