4 thoughts

  1. You do such beautiful work. Very exquisite. I have many favorites. Love your
    pics of Ireland’s landscape. Specially, the Famine ship just a while ago with the mountains
    in the background. Just breathtakin’, as we say. Yes, many favorites, but my very favorite is ‘Born Again.’ I love that pic!

    I found you, then, I went back through nearly all of monasette,
    years of pics and words. I read nearly all and I didn’t want it to end, lol.
    Your photography is just wonderful, and too, I love to read your words. You have a
    very intelligent, insightful, and witty way of looking at life. I enjoy your blog very much.

    Your ‘cost of admission’, getting up so early, climbing the mountains to the top, and midges,
    I reap your spoils like you’re the Little Red Hen. The bread is good. Keep up the good work, midges and all. Btw, what is a midge? Any kin to a mosquito, aka, ‘skitter’ where I come from?

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