Easter colour


A close-up of narcissus in my back garden, pictured over the Easter weekend (which was sunny and warm). I planted a load of daffodil, narcissus and tulip bulbs in my back lawn last September, and there is now a great display of colour. Already, there are plenty of visits from bumblebees and I’ve seen a couple of early butterflies too (probably too early).

If you are a regular visitor to the site, you’ll see that the format has changed. I’m using a new template which automatically adjusts the images and text to suit the size of the screen that you are using – so the images should look bigger on a widescreen TV or desktop and will readjust if you are using a phone or tablet. I’ll be able to add more video content to the page too (almost all of my cameras shoot video, but the old template didn’t really suit video clips). I had hoped to make a seamless upgrade, but due to some technical difficulties, I’ve had to use a new subdirectory for the blog (for now anyway). The old site will redirect you here anyway. I’m still tidying up the new format – it wasn’t quite ready for showtime, but the old one is offline, so here we are.

Hope you enjoy it.