
I was thinking to myself that the penumbral eclipse wasn’t really noticeable tonight as I photographed the moon as it passed though the outer edge of the Earth’s shadow. I was right – it wasn’t noticable at all – not least because I had got the dates wrong – it was last night instead. Grrrr.
On the other hand, it was a lovely evening, and I would not have seen it otherwise.
Bigger version here.

Camera=Canon 40D, lens – Canon100-400zoom @400mm, ISO=400, Aperture= f13, speed = 1/125 sec, spot-metered, tripod.

3 thoughts

  1. And it looked pretty much like the last night too John. I had the 40D with 50-500 and 2x out for a whopping 1600mm FF equivalent.. Could I see a shadow? Nope. And while NASA said it wouldn’t be visible to the naked eye… it wasn’t visible to me either… and then it clouded over about 2am.

  2. So gorgeous. But looking at all those impact craters makes me think the next incoming must be due sometime soon.

  3. Hi Maggi,
    Hmm…I hadn’t thought about that….until now. Funny you should mention it – there is an asteroid shower due tonight (the Perseids). Unfortunately, it’s raining here in Galway so not much chance of seeing one…unless it is a really BIG one :-)

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