Gleoiteog tragedy

The McHugh sailing during the Kinvara Cruinniú na mBád two weeks ago.

This last month is the time of the boat gatherings around Galway Bay – every seaside village around the Bay gets involved  in boat races which celebrate traditions that have either disappeared or are much reduced. Currachs are still  used by some local fishermen but hookers are no longer used for hauling turf. Currachs, gleoiteogs and hookers races  make great spectacles – alas, this year, it seems that every regatta was accompanied by rain.

Today, there should have been a regatta in Rossaveal. It was cancelled yesterday after an incident in Galway Bay. Two gleoiteogs (a smaller version of the Galway Hooker sailboat) were sailing to Rossaveal from Kinvara, where the Cruinniú na mBád took place a couple of weeks ago. The McHugh, crewed by the brothers Johnny Sheáin Jeaic and Josie Sheáin Jeaic MacDonncha, capsized. Despite the best efforts of the crew of the other boat, Johnny Sheáin Jeaic died and his brother is in hospital in a stable condition. [See Irish Times account here].

You can see a gallery of the Sunday races from the Kinvara Cruinniú na mBád here.