Heads on the block

Sheep skull
Sheep skull found while hiking on Leenane Hill today. Perfect weather conditions for walking a trail that affords some of the best views in Connemara.

From the rulebook of the  World Clown Association :-

* All clowns will totally abstain from the use of alcohol prior to and during competition or any time while in makeup and wardrobe

* All clowns will conduct themselves in such a manner as to be a credit and an asset to quality clowning

If our don’t-let-the-door-hit-you-on-the-way-out Taoiseach had followed the first rule, and not gone on a booze up while on a think-in in Galway last September he might have lasted a bit longer. Mind you, since none of his Cabinet colleagues could comply with the second rule, the general election cannot come too soon.

As Franz Beckenbauer once said about a German football team, “you could put that lot in a bag and beat it with a stick and whoever got hit would deserve it“.