Living the dream by having smaller dreams

As I’ve mentioned before, I still feel like I’m on holidays in Galway, even though I’ve been living in the city for 5 years [and that’s been a very quick 5 years]. I love the buzz and the compactness of the city, the sea and the proximity to some of the most beautiful landscapes in the country. A few weeks ago, on a sunny Saturday morning, I decided not to bother with whatever chores I should have been doing – instead I put the top down on the car and headed west. Granted, I had to put on quite a few layers of insulation, but it was worth it to have breakfast on Silver Strand at around 8.30 am, followed by tootling across to Moycullen and then off to Connemara for the day. By late afternoon, it had become so warm that I could dispense with the fleeces and woolly hat and by the time I returned along the Headford Road at 5pm, I had picked up a bit of a tan [ok, more of a red neck]. On the following Monday, someone – noticing my darker shade of pale – asked me if I was away on holidays.

Yes I was.

3 thoughts

  1. Himself asks, “What kinda car is that?”, when I oohed and showed him the page while I was transferring links to his laptop in preparation for my own wee getaway to Montana in a few weeks.

    It does look like a nice ride…and a great day to just meander.

  2. Really is a stunning picture, and a touching narrative too. Pleases me no end that I’ve been there on a few days like this, and know the feeling.

  3. I must refer you to this post the next time you’re whinging & whining about the lovely car ….. those’d be the days when the hood’s up!

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