Mary Mulvihill (1960 – 2015)

I was sad to read that Mary Mulvihill had passed away last week. Mary was a Irish science writer and broadcaster who had broadcast a number of science programmes on RTE, wrote articles for the Irish Times (amongst others) and had published a number of science and science history books.

Though I didn’t know her, she had sent me a few emails over the years, usually triggered by something that I had posted on my website. It was appropriate, since she was the author of one of my favourite books – Ingenious Ireland. That book – and Mary – inspired many of my expeditions across the west of Ireland to discover some wonderful, and often hitherto unknown place or phenomenon. I have the book about ten years and it still has plenty of adventures for me to embark upon. Mary’s obituary in the Irish Times is here, and a tribute to her from another Irish Times contributor, Karlin Lillington, is here. Mary’s own website is at Ingenious Ireland.