
Picture of a Hummer in Ireland

Park where you like … a Hummer parked outside [and illegally] an Irish car dealership.

A new luxury car dealership has just opened near where I work. From the first day, the yard was full of BMWs, a Porche or two, and a Hummer. You’ve got to admire the optimism of anyone trying to sell luxury cars in the face of a recession, particularly with petrol hitting €1.30 per litre [~ $7.50 per gallon]. The dealer isn’t the only one trying to sell a used Hummer – General Motors want to sell or close their Hummer factory due to declining demand and the cost of fuel (the H2 averages between 10 and 20 miles per gallon according to various motoring reviews and a full tank of petrol in Ireland costs €156 / $240).

Mind you, it looks like all the doom and gloom hasn’t affected everyone – after a couple of weeks, the Hummer disappeared off the lot. Either the dealer is hiding it out the back, or there’s another happy Hummer driver out there somewhere.