
Mushrooms for daleks – these are actually ceramic insulators used for attaching signal wiring to posts beside railways (this lot were probably dumped into the field during maintenance work). Picture taken near Woodlawn railway station in east Galway which is currently being upgraded as part of the government’s Transport 21 initiative.

Hmmm..I wonder if it is too late to go picking mushrooms this year – the heavy rain probably isn’t helping things either. This is the first year in a few that I haven’t got out for a mushroom-picking expedition – it really is hard to beat the taste of freshly-picked mushrooms, salted and fried in a little oil in a pan. Food of the Gods!

A little Googling shows up a few organised mushroom hunts around the country (unfortunately, it seems like they have happened already) – there was one in Cavan a couple of weeks ago (link via and another one in Wicklow last week organized by Mushroomstuff (a mushroom website run by Bill O’Dea in Dublin whom I reckon loves mushrooms far more than I do).

Camera=Canon 40D, lens=Canon100-400mm@190mm, ISO=400, aperture=f5, speed=1/400 sec.