2 thoughts

  1. Two comments: (three?)

    Love your sight , John –

    1. As I’ve written before, I “borrow” your images regularly for my desktop background and they are appreciated, by my co-workers as well as they walk by!

    2. You reminded me of my seeing a young boy at Mass who was wearing a camo T-shirt. I was “tempted” to poke him and say ” I see you!!” But I refrained, on my to receive Holy Communion and all… (not sure he would’ve gotten the joke, tho)

    3. I hope to visit Ireland in the coming year, agus le cúnamh Dé I’ll visit Galway and the surrounding. When I was there last (1990), we did stay in Salthill ach ní raibh aon Gaeilge agam ag an am sin.

    Nollaig shona duit, a chara.

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