Ode to Joy

Standing by the shattered trig point at the summit of Ben Baun on January 4th, 2009.
It is the highest of the Twelve Bens, and officially listed as 729 metres high (my GPS is showing 731 metres – I was standing on my tippy toes). According the Mountainviews website, it is the 89th highest mountain in Ireland.

On this date in 1824, Ludwig van Beethoven debuted his Ninth Symphony in Vienna, leading the orchestra personally. He was deaf by then, and one of the orchestra had to turn him around to face the audience so that he could acknowledge the rapturous applause. He might have got a cooler reception if he had gone with this version, mind.

One thought

  1. I always enjoy your images and commentary on Sunday evenings. The new look is nice. Thanks John.

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