Reek Sunday – Climbing Croagh Patrick

Croagh Patrick -Reek Sunday 2010
The weather wasn’t very kind to those making the annual pilgrimage to Croagh Patrick mountain in Co. Mayo today. Very strong winds and rain/drizzle meant the climb up the summit was a cold and wet one. I had gone up to the summit the night before hoping for a clear night. Didn’t happen. The biggest problem with camping on the side of Croagh Patrick is that the mountain consists on lots of sharp-edged rocks. Next time, I’m bringing an airbed. This video (from early this morning) shows just how much ‘fun’ it was.

4 thoughts

  1. I guess that is what makes it a pilgrimage, eh? whatever the weather–you go. The sound of all those people walking on that shale covered path was little scary. Good thing all the walking sticks.

  2. compliments!
    but about next time….. an airbed won’t be best solution for on those sharp stones….

  3. The gritty authenticity of an ancient annual pilgrimage is well portrayed in your atmospheric snapshot. Bord Failte/Failte Ireland wouldn’t dare use this realistic photo in its promotional publicity. May the reek climbers enjoy long healthy lives.

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