Streaking towards dawn

I never get tired of taking pictures of the diving board on Salthill Prom. This one was from a predawn visit last November (same morning as this one and this one) on a very cold morning. The diving board is illuminated by street lights from the Prom, as is the cloud overhead. The ‘streaking’ is caused by the long exposure – the image was around 2 minutes long, which caused the stars to be blurred due to the relative motion of the earth – the cloud overhead was drifting away from the camera. Visible across Galway Bay are the Burren Hills. I’ve included a timelapse video of the brightening dawn below – the video is actually a number of longish exposures from the 5D put together.

Camera = Canon 5D, lens = Canon 17-40@17mm, aperture = f8, speed = 132 secs, ISO400, tripod.

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