The island of Knockmaa

Lough Corrib fog

From the top of Lackavrea on Christmas Eve, fog swirls around the Hill of Doon [in the foreground]. In the distance, the hill of Knockmaa juts above a sea of mist [bigger version of picture here]. In between, the waters of Lough Corrib – frozen in places – is obscured by the fog . On a clear day, one could see the channel of water that surrounds the Hill of Doon and links the main body of the Corrib with the channel leading up to Maam bridge (and Joe Keane’s pub – formerly Alexander Nimmo‘s house). It is somewhat appropriate that Knockmaa looks like an island in an ocean – legend has it that, after the Flood, one of Noah’s granddaughter’s ended up at Knockmaa where she died of a broken heart.

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