The Missing

On January 31st, 2003, American art student Matt Mullaney went to the Lions Fountain Irish bar in Florence in Italy. He left the bar in the early hours of the following morning and disappeared.  His family and friends have not heard from him since. There have been some sightings, including one that indicated that Matt might be in Galway.  And that is why a tattered sign is stuck to the lamp post outside the tourist office near Eyre Square.

About 6,000 people are reported missing in Ireland every year – 16 every day – but 95% are located within a short period of time. Unfortunately, it means that 300 people disappear every year, either for ever or for a long period of  time. The official website in Ireland for missing persons is Missing and there is a helpline number – 1890 442 552. There is also a voluntary site where people can put up ‘missing’ posters – Missing Irish People.

5 thoughts

  1. Dear John; An interesting but very difficult photo to look at. Matt is my son and that poster was placed in Galway and many other locations throughout Ireland and W. Europe by, my husband,Michael and I. It’s indicative of our struggles to find Matt. He’s still hanging there and we’re still chipping away every day to try to find an answer. Thankyou for bringing attention to Matt and also the Missing Irish People site. Terri Mullaney

  2. Hello John,

    I am Michael Mullaney, Matthew’s father.

    Thanks for posting this, and thanks for noticing.


  3. John,
    It’s great that you posted this. I’m Matt’s uncle and think this is what we need to raise awareness.

  4. I know someday, because of those posters and for this website, some where, someone will see this poster and will help in uniting Matt and his family. I know he is deeply loved and missed by his family. I think of him often. Every bit helps…..

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