The shortest day

The last beams of sunlight on the shortest day of the year illuminate the clouds above Lackavrea mountain in Connemara yesterday. The cold spell continues but the Maumturks look magical under their winter blanket right now.

2 thoughts

  1. I found your blog, via a link with my daughter. Your photography is some of the most beautiful that I have ever seen. I am 60 years old and my life time dream has been to travel to Ireland and spend weeks wandering through the small villiages and meeting the people I have heard about from childhood. I come from a very small town in East Tennessee in the USA. It is tucked into the mountains, near the Smokey Mountains. Legends, folklore, music and stories make up the history of the area. Finding your pictures help bring some of that dream to life. Thank you for sharing your talent and character.
    Sue Craighead, USA

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