Walk on Salthill Promenade from John Smyth on Vimeo.
Timelapse of a walk along Salthill Promenade in Galway
The promenade in Salthill is around three quarters of a mile long, so a round trip from the Aquarium up to the diving board, kick the wall and head back again is a nice, mile and a half-stroll before tea. There wasn’t so many people out yesterday evening at around 7.30pm when I made this, probably because Race Week has started, and the first few days are evening meetings. The threat of rain might have been a factor too.
How was the movie made ? Switch my Canon G9 to timelapse mode, hang it around my neck and then stroll like the wind, my beauties, stroll like the wind!
Phew. I feel fitter just watching that.
I can’t believe you recorded the walk back too! (or that I stayed to watch it