You are all invited


I was supposed to get a barbecue for my birthday this year. My birthday is at the end of May, and by the time I had (a) waited for the summer to appear, and (b) finally got around to choosing a meat-burning behemoth, it turned out that it was too late to order one and be sure of its arrival. So then I asked for a better present. I asked Deirdre to organize a photographic exhibition for me. It has been a very busy year for both of us, and there is a lot of working getting the exhibition together. But it has finally come together. I only saw the printed pictures as a set this evening, so it’s all been a bit last-minute. Still, it’s nice to see the photos in large format. I hardly ever print my own images, and when I give presentations at the camera club, I use the digital projector.

Anyway, the launch is on Friday in the Town Hall Theatre at 6pm [the fact that there is a bar in the Town Hall was a key factor in its selection as a venue] and if you are a regular (or even occasional) visitor to the site, come along and say hello. The launch probably won’t last longer than 7pm – there is a performance on at 8pm in the theatre (the photos will be  hung in the bar). Friday sees the triumphant return of Gina, Dale Haze and the Champions in the main theatre, so the bar will be busy.

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