A Silver Lining at Silver Strand

Clouds over Silver Strand, Galway

Clouds over Silver Strand, Galway on Sunday evening last.

Does every cloud have a silver lining. If so, Galway must be awash with the shiny stuff. I’d been cooped up in the house for most of Sunday becasue of the weather. around 6pm, I could see glimmers of sunshine illuminating the Burren Hills on the other side of Galway Bay. So I went down to the diving board at Blackrock (on salthill Prom) for a look. By pure fluke, the Jeannie Johnson was leaving the Bay – in sunshine,too – which is where I took the previous picture. It soon began to cloud over, which is when I captured the suitably moody image above. It began raining again soon after. And it’s raining as I write this.

Camera= Canon 40D, lens = Canon 100-400mm @ 100, ISO = 400, aperture = f14, speed = 1/800 sec.

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