Cafe society

Ok – it is officially a heatwave. There has been sweltering heat for almost a week now, which almost makes up for the fact that, just two weeks ago, I nearly expired from hypothermia on Salthill Promenade while standing in pouring rain looking out for the dolphin.

I was on Inis Mór on Sunday with my parents who both showed more enthusiasm and energy for cycling up to Dun Aengus and back than I did. On the way was this little kiosk – luckily, the sign was an idle threat – refreshments were only a hill or two away, rather than the 4 miles claimed on the sign.

3 thoughts

  1. Was wondering where I recognised that from… Wasn’t so brave as to cycle up that big hill. Got one of the many, many many many minibus tours around the island. I’m all for the lazy tourist route.

  2. Did manage to cycle out to the beach beyond the air strip if that redeems me any. I know it’s not even a third of the distance but still. :D

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