A New Day

Sunrise over Spiddal this morning.
I’ve been meaning to change the format of the site for quite a while now, but didn’t have the time to mess about with formats. Over the weekend, I noticed a pre-defined photoblog format in WordPress (the software I use to run this site) that could be loaded automatically (i.e. no work for me to do).
It’s not perfect – some of my previous entries are a little messed up but it will do. Hopefully, the images will look bigger and better.

5 thoughts

  1. looking good to me on Firefox. fab pic! wasn’t the unrise super this morning, more than what can be said for the way the day has turned out.

  2. Thanks for the feedback, folks.

    I was up early on both days of the weekend trying to catch the sunrise but the one on Monday was simply outstanding (and, no, I didn’t get a picture)

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