Mr Loverman

A plane [one of the Red Arrows, I think] uses a smoke streamer to ‘draw’ a heart over Galway Bay during the 2006 airshow.
It was somewhat appropriate that James Thomas “Frank”  Harris was born on St Valentine’s Day. Born in Galway in 1856, he edited a number of literary magazines/newspapers in the decades either side of 1900 which drew him into very esteemed literary circles – that of Shaw, Wells, Wilde among others. Harris was a bit of a womanizer [ok, more than a bit] and in the 1920s ,when he decides to publish his autobiography, called My Life and Loves, it required four volumes. There was quite a bit of sex in it [to get an idea - go to the Google Books preview of it and type ‘sex’ into the search], and as a result, the book was banned in plenty of countries (including our own). By all accounts, what Frank lacked in physical beauty and finesse [Oscar Wilde once commented that “Frank Harris has been received in all the great houses – once”], he more than made up for in determination – his New York Times obituary is headed “The Protean Figure of Frank Harris; He Lived His Life With a Variety and Gusto That Was Elizabethan”. He dies in France on August 27th 1931.