3 thoughts

  1. Hi John,
    I’m Stella from Brazil. I spent two weeks in Galway last year and loved it there.
    I found your blog by chance, while looking for photos and news from Galway, and was very happy to see your photos. They are gorgeous! You are really good. Tks for them, anyway. I could fly there through them. I miss the place, and from time to time I wish I could pay a visit.
    I’ll try to visit your site often.

  2. Hi,
    sorry my ignorance, but I thought that because the humidity there it would be rare to snow. It must be pretty dump and cold, besides the wind.
    Here, in spite of having entered Autumn, the days are hot as if it were Summer.
    Your pictures are outstanding. I am not an expert, I just react, but I showed them to one of my students who is a designer and is keen on photos (she’s pretty good herself), and she was also quite impressed.
    Looking forward to your next snapshot.

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