Rising Water

Stormy Weather in Galway
This morning in Salthill, the tide was out and it was sunny, though cold. But, as predicted, in late afternoon, the skies darkened, the wind strengthened and it began to rain. By the time it was dark, around  5pm, it was close to high tide, and waves and spray were washing over the footpath on Salthill Promenade [as you can see in the picture above, taken around 6pm]. It has not been the worst storm to hit Galway but it was very cold and windy this evening. However, the real test will be tomorrow morning’s high tide, around 6 am. Click here for a short video I made while wandering around the Prom this evening. As usual, everytime I saw a couple strolling hand-in-hand along the Prom, braving the waves and spray, a part of me admired their shared sense of adventure, but another small part of me wanted the two of them to be lifted by a wave and washed across the car park in as photogenically a way as possible. Is that so wrong ?

And yes, I got completely drenched making the video.