By the light of the moon

Full Moon
I’m not having much luck with the weather this December when it comes to photographing the skies. Despite almost constant clear skies due to the cold weather, the odd night when there is cloud seems to coincide with something worth photographing. Earlier this month, my attempts to photograph the Geminids came to nought as the two nights when the meteor shower was visible were both cloudy. And this morning, despite driving around the outskirts of Galway to try to find a break in the cloud, I missed the lunar eclipse. I could see a thin sliver of moon at one stage through a snowcloud, but not enough to photograph.
The picture above was taken just after sunset yesterday, and the moon is vignetted by one of the windows of Ross Errilly friary, near Headford in Galway. The temperature was dropping quickly – it was -9 C by the time I took that image at 4.20 pm yesterday evening.

One thought

  1. I feel your pain. I could take some pics this morning, but all cloudy.
    I just hate seeing a clear sky in the evening and then seeing it all covered by midnight.
    Keep making those excellent pictures!

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