The Morning Fox

Fox in Spiddal

I was driving along the coast road this morning when I spotted this fox snuffling something in a field. I pulled in and sneaked back. This picture was taken when the fox was looking directly at me (I was behind a wall but my head and shoulders were visible to him) – he had heard the click of the camera shutter but he couldn’t quite make out what he was looking at. Of course, a herd of bullocks at the far side of the field had ‘made’ me almost as soon as I approached, so in terms of cunning, it was a case of : Cattle > John > Fox – at least I was ahead of the fox.

The picture looks a bit grainy because it was taken at 5.15 am and the expected sunshine of sunrise was hidden behind a blanket of all-too-familiar Galway cloud [it was taken with a Canon 5D set to ISO 1250]. Even now, it is very overcast in the city – so much for the heatwave.