Spring sunshine

Spanish Arch in the evening

Crowds taking in the sun at the Spanish Arch in Galway this evening.

My dad’s favourite month is May – the month when everything bursts into bloom. I prefer April – it’s full of surprises. This April seems much colder and bleaker than last year’s – there seems to be far more hailstones and rain this year. But this week so far has been warm and sunny during the day (with crisp, frosty mornings) – it is the first week that I haven’t needed to switch on the lights in the morning. I managed to have lunch in the back garden on Sunday, and the the evenings have been warm and sunny. Long may it continue.

Here is a large panoramic picture of the Spanish Arch and the mouth of the Corrib [just over 1MB in size] and I’ve labelled some of the landmarks.

2 thoughts

  1. that panoramic shot is very nice.
    it’s still chilly when the sun disappears here as well. but that didn’t stop me from planting a little corner of pansies yesterday. i used my ungloved hands so that plenty of dirt could wedge its way under my fingernails. also, it was that much more exciting when i touched the smooth, well anchored root of a soon to leaf-out tree.

  2. It was in the 60’s here for 2 days, and today it was nearly blizzard conditions as I drove to our small pharmacy/general nonsense store. I overheard an old-timer tell the clerk, “I don’t remember a winter lasting this long”.
    Neither do I…so it’s nice to see sun in Galway, whether it’s cool or not. *S* Enjoy every minute.

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