
Head for the Ark! A rare occurrence of drinkers abandoning their posts outside Neachtains on a wet Saturday in summer.

The weather people in Ireland have various terms to describe the different types of rainfall we get in Ireland.

  • mist
  • drizzle
  • light rain
  • heavy rain
  • torrent
  • bad enough to drive the drinkers from the seats outside of Neachtains

There was thunder and lightning in Galway yesterday with several streets flooded and impassable. Of course, the same thing happens around this time every year, and every year, it seems to come as a complete surprise to everyone. Next year, how about cleaning out the drains of litter before they become blocked ?

I didn’t actually witness the tumult since I was ensconced deep in the bowels of The Quays on a stag party, where no natural light could reach and the sound of thunder was but a distant whisper. I was lucky to survive.

2 thoughts

  1. thankfully i managed to get indoors before the downpour-it was pretty mad-i looked outside and witnessed one poor creature out ‘jogging’

  2. Was picking up a friend from the Citylink bus just as the deluge hit. A first time visitor to Ireland, she had travelled all the way from Nice to experience the pleasure that is the Irish summer. The roads had become so flooded at that point I had to do several u-turns to find a route that didn’t involve submerging the car in order to exit the city.

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