
On Sunday (Feb 8th), five members of the club decided to climb Leenane Hill, leaving from the Leenane Hotel and returning back via the ‘green’ road along Killary Fjord. It was a great walk, and it was a novel [and tiring] experience trudging through the fresh snow.
Our leader for the day was James, an experienced hill walker who also turned out to be the entertainment for the day! James was determined to slide down the snow, using a survival bag. He started by lying down in the snow and attempting to push himself down the hill. But the snow was ‘sticky’, so he decided to take a run at it instead…

P.S. On the way back, I spotted frogspawn in a pool along the green road. Last Sunday (Feb 15th), I spotted more frogspawn [lots of it] along the Western Way, so I guess the frogs survived the cold snap intact.