When cute, fluffy, white things attack

On my way home last month, it began snowing. I had this idea that I’d film the swans at the Claddagh in the snow (The only camera I had with me was the G9). Bad idea – the snow was little more than a flurry, and the natives were not exactly friendly. The swans have a very clear view of lfe – if a human hand is extended in their general direction, it better have food in it, ‘cos it’s going to get pecked. So when the swans saw my fingers wrapped around the camera, they didn’t hesitate. Feckers.

4 thoughts

  1. Good grief, you were lucky to get out of there alive! Those beaks look massive! Geese and swans – they look pretty and fluffy from a distance, but I only ever get close by zoom! I was amazed at your courage in actually walking up to them like that.

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