A scattered shower

Rain over Lough Atalia, Galway city.

A typical summer’s day in Galway city – a nice blue sky over Renmore and right beside it, a downpour. Picture taken from the Docks looking over Lough Atalia. You can see a train (in orange livery) on the bottom left – the current trains in Ceannt Station have to be shunted out onto the bridge over Lough Atalia [and then shunted back in again] because there is only one usable platform. Behind the white tanks to the right of the picture, a new set of oil tanks have been built to replace the current set in the Docks – they should be ready before the Yacht Race arrives in Galway next year. You can also see the eircom mast in Mervue just at the point where the rain is falling. Picture taken in May 2007.

Camera=Canon 350D, lens = Sigma 10-20mm@10, aperture=6.3, speed = 1/640, ISO=200.

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