Cold Mountain

A view of the Maumturks mountain range taken from Ben Baun (the highest of the Twelve Bens). The weather was a bit different from the first time I climbed it,  on the hottest day of 2005 .

After our climb on Corcóg last Sunday, we decided to go one better this Sunday and climb Ben Baun – one of the Twelve Bens. Even though Ben Baun is the highest of the Bens, it is quite straightforward to climb. [There was also a good chance that the road out to the mountain would be ok – which it was]. I was hoping to get some decent pictures and , for once, brought two cameras rather than one. Alas, the weather didn’t cooperate. Snow was predicted for later in the day and the sky began to fill with clouds almost as soon as we set off.

It was warmer than our climb last week, and the wind, though still from the east, was less severe. On the other hand, there was much more snow on the  mountain – knee-deep and more in some places. Alas, we ran out of time before we could get to the top. The path we took consists of a climb to around 400 metres, a hike across a relatively flat boggy ridge for about a mile and then another steep ascent to the summit of about 300 metres. We made it to the base of the summit by 2pm and had lunch. By then , it was too late to proceed so we turned for home. Normally, the challenge on the ridge is dodgy the bogholes and pools of water. This time, the problem was getting stuck in snowdrifts. The snow had frozen into a thick crust but every so often, I’d fall through and get stuck. Which is why I didn’t go on my own.  Three other climbers had set off from the same point about 20 minutes before us. By the time we got to the base of the final ascent, they were much further up the mountain – probably less than 100 metres from the summit. But their progress had slowed, and eventually, they too turned back as the cloud rolled in. Presumably, the ground was too icy to continue. It is always a good sign when climbers turn back rather than take a chance.

Kudos to Galway County Council – I’ve driven out to Connemara 3 times in the last 8 days and the roads have been gritted and were clear of ice. Unlike the M6 motorway from Galway to Athlone which was only made safe on Thursday.

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