Deepwater ROV


The Celtic Explorer was tied up in Galway Harbour last week, in preparation for a survey to be conducted by NUIG. On the pier beside the ship was a cool-looking piece of equipment – it is the Marine Institute Deepwater ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). When I saw the two robot arms on it, all I could think of was “Danger, Will  Robinson !!” from Lost in Space. Hopefully, the ROV is less trouble than the robot in Lost in Space – it is capable of operating to a depth of 3 km.

While I was taking this picture, a troop of boy-scouts came along. They were, of course, estatic – a bunch of 10-year old boys versus an unguarded big robot thing  – there wouldn’t have been much of it left if it wasn’t for the troop leaders.

One thought

  1. It looks like a very interesting machine, and it seems to be extending a hand to shake, or holding forth in conversation about the deep. I’d like to think the “eyes” were a deliberate nod at anthropomorphism – maybe the designer was a fan of Short Circuit!

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