Definitely Maybe

Lisbon treaty Signs

Easily the most pointless sign I’ve seen so far during the Lisbon treaty campaign – the issue described has nothing to do with the referendum; the poster complains about a situation, and then advises people to vote against changing anything.

Archaeologists in the future will have a bit of a puzzle if they try to figure out what the Lisbon Treaty was about, based solely on the posters ‘adorning’ every lamp post and the multitude of leaflets pushed through every letterboxes.

Lisbon treaty Signs

My favourite was a leaflet (unattributed, as some of the No ones seemed to be) that decried giving power to unelected leaders, under a picture of the pope. Hmm, that’s a bit harsh, I thought, until I read it. Turns out that the Pope was ok – he‘s just against other unelected leaders telling us what to do.

The rest of the leaflet was a bit of a rant about such diverse topics as homosexuality, genetic research and the protection of children. Basically, the sum of all fears is if the Village People make a return, with chemistry degrees, and open a crèche.

I might take Benedict a bit more seriously if he still didn’t think his predecessor was right to threaten to have Galileo whacked for the outlandish theory that the Earth spins around the Sun. Vursprung durch technic, indeed.

As I write this, the indications are that the Treay will be rejected. If so, nothing will happen. And that is exactly the problem.

UPDATED [June 15 2008]. The Treaty was rejected. Link is to Wikipedia – official site still doesn’t show the result.

One thought

  1. We had that anti-EU because of what Israel does to the Palestine sign as well on Dublin Airport roundabout. A storm blew it down and it looked quite pathetic.

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